
Our Team (Selamat Berbahagia) in Startup Asia Hackathon

9:52 AM

Selamat Berbahagia teamHello, this is not really a post for this blog, i just wanna try to improve my English skill. I wanna tell you about the story of my team when hacking in Startup Asia Hackathon.

Startup Asia Hackathon (November 21-22, 2013)
Hackathon?? what is that?? Hackathon consist of two words hack and marathon, so when we join in hackathon we must build an apps in limited time (usually 1 day and 1 night).
In Startup Asia Hackathon, we build an apps which mashed up 3 API's (freelancer.com, SAP Hana, and Nexmo)
What kind of apps?
Our apps is called Selamat Bekerja, it is like Job Freelance Notification.. our apps like a bridge that make a freelancer easily to find His/Her jobs.
Our apps give jobs recommendation to freelancer's which suitable with freelancer passion, want, and emotion.
How to get that??
Do you know twitter?? twitter is a microblogging site, twitter user usually tweet about his/her days, emotion, want, etc
so, we crawl user tweet who register in our apps and make some analysis in there. .

When someone who want to hire a freelancer register in our apps, he will get list recommended freelancer which suit for his kind of posted job. Furthermore, he could make emotional relation to some freelancer, what kind of emotional relation??
For example..
Hirer could search freelancer based on freelancer want, maybe some freelancer that suit in a job tweet "I wanna x box" on tweeter.. so, the hirer could sent some messages to them, message which sent is personally to some freelancer like "Hi i have a job for you, this job could help you to buy two XBOX. . ~job link~"
I think it will be cool if we could finish this app. . :)

Oh, i almost forget about SAP Hana, how do we say?? maybe SAP HANA is a data storage which use the principle of Big Data. Hana could save a very large data and analyze it in minute. .
And Nexmo, it is a SMS gateway API . .

In the end of Hackathon day, we are very Happy Because our team is allowed to pitch in demo day.. its mean our team is qualified in final, we are qualified in Freelancer API (we sure, we'll won in this challange) and SAP Hana.. .

Pitch day will be held on 30th November, and we still prepare for this Big Day. .

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